I wanted to share this wonderful story about how I came to finding and buying an antique Singer sewing machine.
I have noticed for a while know that most ladies sew around there cards with a machine, and I happen to really like the effect it gives. I don't own a sewing machine nor do I know how to even use one but I was determined to find and learn how one worked. I was not interested in getting a brand new one needed something that was basic and in expensive so I went into kijiji to find a used sewing machine. Well, let me tell that where I found my lovely Singer. I bough it from a man named Henry and I would say he was in his late 60's if not maybe early 70's. He told me that this was his mothers sewing machine and I guess he had no use for it and wanted to get something for it. I went to see it and you know how people say it was love at first sight, yes that happened for me, it was love at first sight. It was kept in such wonderful condition, and it works wonderfully. I just have to learn how to use it. The best part is, I only paid 35.00 for it. I am very pleased and happy with it, know I have to learn how to use it :o)